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Calihari Kush

Drought Resistant Sierra Mountain Range Wild Native

Calihari Kush

Drought Resistant Sierra Mountain Range Wild Native

Outoor Harvest: Late Sept    
Indoor Harvest: 53 Days

Calihari Kush - Strain Overview

This cultivar was bred by HENDRX

Outoor Harvest: Late Sept 
Indoor Harvest: 53 Days

Calihari Kush
- Genetic distance to other cultivars

This chart shows other cannabis strains and their relative distance to Calihari Kush. Genetic distance is not lineage; the larger the slice, the closer the relative. It does not mean the strain is related to the strains in the report.

Calihari Kush - Origin Story

The newest addition to the HendRx Farm fleet. Calihari Kush owes a special tribute to the due diligence of Chief Cultivator, Patient 0. Under duress of an abandoned farm, the Calihari Kush is the result of natural pollination and self reliance. On an unscheduled visit to an old haunt in Grass Valley, Patient 0 discovered the Calihari Kush living lonesome among the weeds during a severe drought season. Thanks to quick thinking, cuttings were taken and new life has been given to this phenotype of exceptional strength. To cultivate these unique genetics, reach out to HendRx today.

Calihari Kush - Genetics

Calihari Kush is fresh like a stick of spearmint gum. The Calihari Kush is named after its improbable rise from the dry hot soil of its Grass Valley birth-site. Calihari Kush's unique structure is a result of its Darwinian lineage, giving life to evolution. With thin leaves and wispy appearance, Calihari Kush creates minimal surface area providing a natural cooling mechanism, ensuring its desirable drought resistant qualities. The cultivars responsible for this maternal lineage are unknown, but recently thanks to Phylos Bioscience, Calihari Kush origin mysteries have been cast in a new light with its closest relatives exposed thanks to genetic markers. Learn more about Calihari Kush by checking out the Genotype Report.

Calihari Kush - Cannabinoid profile

Calahari Kush has a surprising 26.9% THC profile. This is an exceptional statistic considering Calihari has rarely been cultivated indoor and all cannabinoid tests have been completed using 100% sun-grown samples. Additionally, concentrates from trim waste have resulted in a greater than 20% extraction ratio. Extraction labs be on the lookout for this simple, easy-to-grow, naturally bred genetic.

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21+ ONLY or medicinal patient with prop 215 recommendation.     HENDRX Farm & Genetics:
Clones For Sale & Cannabis Nursery
   CDFA license: CCL18-0001546   

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